

Fields and Waves

We conduct fundamental research on fields and waves motivated by practical challenges in biomedical technology. Current areas of interest include metasurfaces, spoof plasmonics, and propagation in complex media with emphasis on their applications to wireless power transfer, communication, actuation, and sensing.

Wireless Body Area Networks (BodyNET)

We are developing networks of wearable or implatable sensors to continuously monitor health over the whole body. Our approach uses electromagnetically functional clothing to establish wireless connectivity between multiple distributed battery-free sensors, with the aim of creating full-body physiological maps of electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical activity.

Biomedical Wireless Technology

We study wireless systems used in clinical devices in order to gain physics-based insights that can be translated into solutions for currently unmet challenges. We validate these solutions in human-scale computational models and large animal experiments in order to demonstrate their clinical applicability.

Wireless Sensing Technology

We are designing wireless sensing technology for non-contact sensing of vital physiological parameters such as heartbeat and respiration. These sensors enable the ability to ubiquitously monitor health and wellness in ambient spaces can revolutionize preventive and personalized health care.